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About Us

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"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations." Psalm 22:27-28

Hello, Welcome to Verity Farm!


We are a small family farm. We have been making all-natural products since 2014, but, were getting many requests from people to purchase our products because they enjoyed them so much and it helped clear up their skin issues they were having. So, in 2016, we started AmbEric Family Farm.


In 2019, we felt the Lord calling our family to Uganda, East Africa. We fell in love with the people there after living there for 2 years. We came back and started an organization, called ReforNations. Click here to watch a video about ReforNations and what we are doing in Uganda.


Our goal is to implement a printing press and resource center in Uganda. Only 14% have access to the internet, and they desperately need written Biblical resources. 85% of pastors are not equipped to do their job well. They felt called to pastor, but, have little to no training, and this can be devastating to a church and community.


There is also a growing number of homeschoolers in Uganda, due to COVID shutting down the schools for 2 years. There are about 2,000 known homeschoolers, and this number is growing. They are eager to home educate their children, but, there are very few materials in the country to use for education. A resource center and printing press would equip pastors and parents with the materials they need to be successful.


Our goal is not to Americanize them. They know their own people best, but our goal is to empower and equip them to accomplish what the Lord places on their hearts.


Please partner with us, to help this happen.


Africa is so thirsty for the Word of God, it would bless them beyond measure if you helped us reach this goal. We also have partnered with people on the grounds in Uganda, who have created the first, and only Biblical Curriculum that is Ugandan. As of now, they try and get their resources and books from the U.S., but as you can imagine, it is difficult for a 3rd world country to relate to these books.


Having educational material that is Biblical and addresses the issues that they face, written by Ugandans, is a game changer. Christian schools are eager to get these books into their schools, but we need a less expensive way of printing these materials. Having a printing press will allow us the ability to do this, so they can be self-sustaining, and not depending on outsiders for help. 


In 2022 we changed our name to Verity Farm, because it better expressed who we were. Verity means truth and the Lord has called us to bring truth to the nations.


Any purchase you make from Verity Farm, goes towards this cause. You can also support ReforNations personally by going to


May the Lord bless you and keep you,

And, as they say in Uganda, Wabole Nnyo Nnyo (Thank you very very much),


Eric and Amber

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"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"

-Isaiah 52:7

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Let’s Complete this Work Together!

Lees Summit, MO

Tel: 816-882-6779

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© Since 2016 Verity Farm (Amberic Family Farm)

Missions, Uganda, Biblical Resources, Material
    We Would Love To Hear From You!



    Call or Text: 816-882-6779



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