Verity Farm
Pedigreed Mini Lop Rabbits
Organic Eggs
Starter Veggies and Herbs
All-natural Soap
Home-Made Natural Products
Scoby Kit for Making Kombucha
​ Products That Work For Your Family

We did it TOGETHER!! The printing press is on its way to Uganda! Thank you!!
We are moving on to STEP 2: Getting a resource center started by January.
All Purchases support ReforNations!
We have bunnies that can go to their new home now and we have more on the way!!!
Our Store: Mini Lops and Homemade Products
Our website is up to date :)
Our next trips to Kansas City will be February 9th and March 9th.
Our next trips to Springfield will be January 30th, and February 6th, 13th, 27th and March 13th.
We can meet you locally (near Osage Beach, MO, almost anytime). Please let us know if you have any questions. We are "hoppy" to help!
Click on the bunny you are interested in and it will tell you when that bunny can go to his/her new home.
Verity Farm Mini Lops: As our bunnies transition to your home, our goal is to provide you with bunnies that have a sweet and loving personality and will make an amazing pet, without compromising quality. We do our best to breed top quality bunnies for those who would like to breed or show. We give each bunny love and attention daily in order for them to become very snuggly and laid back in most any position that you place them in. Each bunny is unique and has his/her own personality as well. Bunnies that have not been handled a lot since birth become skiddish. Our bunnies come with transition food. This will help your new addition transition over the the food that you choose for him/her. They also come with clipped nails. We will provide a pedigree for $20 if you need one. There is a link on the "our store" page to add a pedigree to the cart. If you are showing and would like your bunny's ear tattooed, we will do that at no extra charge, just let us know you would like it done. We also do our best to educate each person that purchases a bunny in order to have the smoothest transition possible, as you add a new addition to your home. We are available to answer questions before purchasing a bunny as well as after. Here is a great place to start: https://www.verityfarm.net/single-post/taking-care-of-mini-lops Please let us know if we can help with anything as you make an important decision to add a new loving pet to your home :)