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Why Our Family Chose Young Living Oils

Essential Oils Are Not Created Equal

  • Did you know that the FDA does not regulate the supplement industry, which means with essential oils there is no government regulations.

  • Companies are encouraged to tell the truth

  • The FDA does not get involved unless a third party decides to research it on their own accord and they use their own time and own money to research it. Then at that point the third party must move forward with a Federal lawsuit and then finally, the FDA will look into it.

There Are Many Oil Companies to Choose From In Recent Years. How did our family choose an oil company?

There are many different kinds:

Aromatic Only: Oils that are not recommended for the skin, but only diffused. Remember, whatever we breathe in, goes directly into our body.

All Natural:Often these have synthetics added to make it smell better (sometimes this is labeled and sometimes it is not…remember, the FDA does not regulate it, so they can write whatever they want on the labeling and/or marketing).

Often these oils say “For external use only”, but again, remember, whatever we put on our skin, goes into our bloodstream, so, if it is not something we can eat, then it is not safe enough to breathe in or apply on our skin.

Often these oils have an expiration date. If it is a pure essential oil, it should not go rancid or have an expiration date. As long as you take care of it, and it is not left in a hot car, then it should not expire.

Most of these companies buy from vendors. They do not have their own farms. The vendor tells them it is pure, so they put it in their own bottle with a label on it that says pure and put a price on it. Again, there is no regulation.

Organic/Authentic: There are a small percentage of companies that are organic. Here are some things to remember.

Even organic farms that are USDA approved, are “approved” for some pesticides. Organic doesn't always mean healthy.

Do the organic farms own their own land? Is it regulated by a third party? Has the farmland been previously growing non-organic foods (pesticides stay in the ground for decades after using pesticides…potential long-term damage to our soil exists). To be considered organic, we were told by local farmers, who are now certified organic, that the land has to be free of chemicals for three years.

You will want to be sure the oils are distilled properly: Most distilleries distill at a higher heat because it saves them money and they can produce more of it and get it out the door quicker to make more money. They are able to pump it quickly. Some plants must be distilled for 24 hours in order to keep all the nutrients and their chemical constituents that make up the plant in-tact.

Many of the oils are watered down. When you go to a distillery, and the oils are distilled, the oil sits on top of the water. Many companies choose to just take that whole batch (water and all) and pour that in the bottle.

The Top Reasons Our Family Chose Young Living Oils Only:

After researching Essential Oils, Young Living Oils is the only company our family was comfortable with being apart of or using on ourselves. Here are some of the reasons and ways that Young Living stands out among the rest.

  • Young Living just celebrated their 20 year anniversary. Many of these other companies are very new, and just begun in recent years.

  • Their seeds are authenticated to be sure they are not hybrid or GMO

  • They do not use any pesticides or herbicides

  • They grow it themselves

  • They distill it themselves. This is an exact science/art. They are the only company that uses surgical stainless steel distilleries. Most companies use aluminum, which is not safe at all. There are a few that use carbon steel, but this, is mediocre as well. They use low pressure and low temperature to be sure to keep all the nutrients from the plant put carefully into the bottle, as to get the most out of each drop of liquid. Young Living only uses the oil from the plant, it is not diluted.

  • They grow it on their own farms. Their farms soil is tested before the land is purchased to be sure that no pesticides have ever been used on the farm.

  • They test it themselves with very stringent testing

  • They have their own distilleries on their farms where they test each batch that comes out and it goes through a process of 7-8 different types of testing including Gas Chromatograph, Mass Spectrometer, and heavy metals analysis. If there is a slightest hint of any contamination, they are thrown out.

  • They have all their oils verified by a third party to be sure that it is pure.

  • They are the most potent oils we have seen, tested, and researched

  • When extracting oils from flowers it is crucial to do so at the right time before the desired aromatic essential oils has been chemically altered and removed by the plant (they are chemically altered once pollination takes place). This is an exact science and it is crucial to get correct. This information is found in the book Healing Oils of the Bible

Gary Young is very particular. He had a life changing experience with essential oils, where they actually saved his life, so he is determined that everyone will have the same life-changing experience that he has had, by throwing the oils out if they are not the purity and potency that he expects them to be. There have been quite a few times since our family has been apart of Young Living where, they were sold out completely of a product because Gary Young would not put it on the shelves because it was not the potency level he wanted it to be when it was tested. He chose not to sell it and instead used it on his crops to give nutrients to the soil.

There are 8 Young Living Farms Currently (but growing all the time):

  • St. Maries, Idaho, United States

  • Simiane-la Rotonde, France

  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

  • Mona, Utah, United States

  • Highland Flats, Naples Idaho, United States

  • Salalah, Oman

  • Almog, Israel

  • Taitung, Taiwan

  • Coming Soon: Peru

Anyone can be apart of any of the farming process at all by calling and asking to help. Go, visit the farm and see for yourself! It is very exciting to be apart of!

To read more testimonies, go to

This company will only use Young Living Oils, and you can read this article on why:

Here are 12 Questions to ask when selecting Essential Oils:

If you are interested in purchasing any oils or becoming apart of our team with us, we would love to have you aboard, and you will be able to get wholesale pricing on these oils so you can share them with your family and friends. If they have not changed your life yet, it won’t be long until you are hooked once you try them. We noticed results right away. There is of course no guarantee, and all oils need to be used along with a healthy diet, exercise, good sleep, and reduced toxins. Essential oils will assist you in all of these areas and we have found that they have dramatically improved our quality of life.

To join our team go to Click on “Sign up Here”.

May You be blessed richly with great health for your entire family!

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