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Blessing Others As a Family....Secret Blessings

It is so much fun to bless others and it brings so much joy to our hearts. When blessing others the Bible says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…” in Colossians 3:23. Scripture also says, “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” Matthew 6:2

We must do things for others without announcing it to everyone, otherwise we are looking for praise from men, instead of humbly serving our Lord. We must work heartily when we work. Often this is tiring, but, if we are keeping in step with the spirit, joy will come out of it, and we will not be worn out.

Too many good or bad things in our schedule can often be a bad thing. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

It is important to pray first and find out what the Lord would have us do, where He would have our family serve. It is so easy nowadays to over-commit ourselves and wear ourselves out. “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

Also, it is important that we bless one another within our home, just as much as we bless people outside our home. It is important that our children feel blessed by others, as well as being able to have the joy of blessing others in the home as well as outside the home.

One game we like to play is how we can bless one another in secret. We play pass the pillow and a parent initiates the game by blessing someone. After they bless someone in the family they are to place a pillow underneath the person they blessed pillow. Then that person gets to think about how they might have been blessed by someone and who may have blessed them, but no one tells them. Then the person who has been blessed has the pillow and it is their turn to bless someone else in the family in secret. We got this idea from here and it is lots of fun. You could even have multiple pillows if you have a larger family.

Here are some other ideas: (blessing within the home and outside the home)

1. Write a letter to a different family member each week and include pictures colored, an art project, or actual photographs (let the kids write the letter…this is a great way to practice penmanship). Let them know they are special and why.

2. Have the kids call a family member once a week to practice phone etiquette as well as communicating and bringing joy to others. Before calling discuss that person, and good questions they can ask that person.

3. Collect food as a family for the homeless shelter or do this with other families. You could even have a yard sale and then in the ad mention if people want to drop off food for the homeless shelter, you will be taking a trip there.

4. Pick up trash around your neighborhood (cleaning up God’s world is what we call it).

5. Help a neighbor do yard work, bring in their trash can for them, or take a neighbor in need food.

6. Let someone go before you in line at a store.

7. Hold a door open for someone.

8. Be available…look around, and don’t overload your schedule so you don’t have time to help people in need at the time of the need. Satan loves for us to be too busy to be the hands and feet of God. We need to be available when there is a need and not when it is convenient for us.

9. Write a kind note to one another within the family.

10. Put out birdseed for birds, and a home for birds.

11. Take food to someone after having a baby, or offer to help clean their house so they can have time with their new addition.

12. Take food, money or offer services to someone you know with cancer. Cancer treatments are very expensive, and wear people out, if you know someone with cancer, offer to help in some way, even if you just leave food at the door in some kind of cooler for them, and they can rest and get it when they feel up to it.

13. Smile at others or say hi to someone you don’t know.

14. Deliver flowers to a neighbor you do not know very well.

15. Go through all toys and donate toys to a family you know in need, homeless shelter, or Salvation Army. "Being kind to the poor is like lending to the Lord. The Lord will reward you for what you have done." Proverbs 19:17

16. Let your child wrap up clothing they have outgrown and bless a friend in need with it that is smaller than them.

17. Donate books to the Library.

19. Mow a neighbors lawn or shovel snow for them.

20. Draw a picture for the mail person and put it in the mailbox for them with a treat.

21. Tell the trash collector “thank you”.

22. Bring bubbles to the park and chalk to write with and other things and bring extra to share with other kids.

23. Write encouraging messages in chalk on the sidewalk to brighten someone’s day.

24. Invite a friend over that you would like to get to know a little more, offer a treat to them, plan the day and help them feel loved.

25. Invite a friend over that may not have many friends or often feels left out and help them feel loved.

26. Brush and bathe the dog together or offer to walk a friend or neighbors dog that may be having a hard time.

27. Offer to watch a child, where the parent may have suffered a loss or may be ill to help them get some needed rest.

28. Cook a meal for someone in need and invite them into your home…bless them and pray for them.

29. Sponsor a child "Whoever accepts a little child in my name accepts me." Matthew 18:5

30. Care for an elderly Grandparent or parent and teach our children how to care for others over putting our wants first.

31. Pray each day for others. This keeps everyone focused on others, instead of just focusing on ourselves

32. Serve at a homeless shelter

33. Care for a widow

34. Help a needy family. Everyone is needy at times. "The rich and the poor are alike in that the Lord made them all." Proverbs 22:2

35. Bake cookies for a police officer or fire fighter.

37. Visit a hospital or retirement home. Bring them a special treat to brighten their day. "The whole law is made complete in this one command: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself."' Galatians 5:14

38. Spend time praying for others. "Each one should give, then, what he has decided in his heart to give...God loves the person who gives happily." 2 Corinthians 9:7

39. Ask God to bring someone in need to your family. Pray and He will place someone you can serve in front of you.

Secret Blessings:

  • Organizing the Garage

  • Doing a kind deed

  • Dishes, Laundry

  • Make something for someone

  • Cleaning the bathrooms

  • Make a warm bath for someone

  • Showing love to a sibling by reading a story to them or playing with them

  • Washing the Dog

  • Taking care of a sibling

  • Pulling weeds in the garden

  • Pour a cup of hot tea and spend time with someone to show them they are loved

  • Making the meal to give Mom or Dad a break

  • Give someone a massage who has had a hard day

  • Cleaning up a room without being asked

  • Organizing an area of the house without being asked

  • Sharing with a sibling

  • Sweeping the porch

  • Sacrifice something you want, for someone else

  • Put someone before yourself

  • Vacuuming

  • Write a poem or kind note

  • Set aside cuddle-time

  • Encouraging someone else

  • Putting someone else first

  • Mopping

  • Saving up money to purchase something for someone in need without them knowing

  • Reading a story to a sibling

Would love to hear more ideas you have. Please share them with us!

Giving doesn't just have to be at Christmas, but, can be throughout the year.

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