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Making Paper or Cloth Baby Wipes

We have found making our own baby wipes saves money and we can feel at peace with what we are putting on our baby’s bottom.


  • 2 tbsp. Tates Miracle Shampoo

  • Thick papertowels (unbleached is best...we use Seventh Generation) or baby wash cloths

  • 2 Cups of water

  • Container to put wipes in (Rounded with a seal is best)

  • Sissors (if you are making paper wipes)

  • Sharp serrated knife (for making paper wipes)

  • Butter knife (for making paper wipes)

  • Lavender Essential oil (optional and can be purchased by clicking on our Young Living link on our website)

Step 1 For Making Baby Wipes: Pull out all the ingredients above

Step 2 For Making Paper Baby Wipes: Cut the paper towel in half with a serrated knife. I have found that a serrated knife works a lot better than a really sharp knife. The jagged edges cut better.

Step 3 For Making Paper Baby Wipes:You will need a butter knife and sissors. Once the paper towel is cut in half, you will take the butter knife and loosen the cardboard piece that is on the inside of the paper towel roll. Then you will need to take the sissors and cut down the middle of the paper towel roll to pull it completely out.

Step 4 For Making Paper Baby Wipes: You will pull the cardboard out of the paper towel, and then put the paper towel into your wipe container. I have used a lot of different types of containers, but have found that a round container that seals works best.

Step 5 For Making Baby Wipes: Once you put the ½ paper towel into the container, you can take your measuring cup and fill it up with two cups of water. Then pour in about 2 tablespoons of the Tates Miracle Shampoo. If you have unscented soap (which I recommend so you don’t have any of the harmful artificial perfumes being absorbed into baby’s skin…you may want to add a couple of drops of essential oils. Young living oil is great because it is very pure and edible. (use according to instructions on Young Living bottle. I would never use a non-edible essential oil on my baby). It is best to have pure ingredients when putting them on your skin because they are absorbed into our bloodstream. Then I stir it with the butter knife I already have out.

Step 6: Next you will need to put the lid on your container and put it upside down so the soap/water mixture, mixes into your paper towels well. And your wipes are complete.

Some helpful notes:

  • It is helpful if your container has a seal around it so the liquid in the wipes do not spill when you put it upside down and make a big mess.

  • I usually try and cut several paper towels at once, so, if I am in a hurry making them, then I can just grab the paper towels pre-cut, but them in the container, and add the soap and water pretty quickly.

  • If you don’t want to use paper, you could do the same thing with folded up baby washcloths for baby.

  • For rashes I use AmbEric Family Farm Body Butter it is pure and edible ingredients, safe for you and baby.

  • When we use cloth diapers, we do the same thing as above, but, pour the 2 cups of water/soap/essential oil solution over folded wash cloths for wipes. That way, you can wash it all together and you don’t have to separate the paper from the cloth diapers. If you do not have a bunch of un-used baby washcloths like we had, you can also purchase a yard or two of organic cottons at Joann Fabrics or another store and cut them up in sizes that work for you and put them in a sealed container.

Enjoy a peace of mind, knowing that what you are putting on your baby is safe and less expensive!

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