Fun Rabbit Facts:
Fun Rabbit Facts (taken from Rise and Shine Rabbitry):
1 Baby rabbits are referred to as kits.
2 Either cooked or raw, rabbit meat freezes very well.
3 Female rabbits are referred to as does
4 A Rabbit’s teeth never stop growing
5 Male rabbits are referred to as bucks
6 In the wild rabbits live in groups called warrens
7 Some rabbits can breed at as early as 3 to 4 months old
8 Rabbits are not rodents, Rabbits are classified as lagomorphs
9 Today’s domestic rabbit is descended from the European Rabbit
10 Rabbits do not vomit
11 A rabbit’s gestation period is approximately 31 days
12 The backbone of a rabbit is very fragile and can break easily when handled improperly or dropped on its back
13 Domestic rabbits are born without fur
14 Rabbits are generally the most active during the evening and early morning
15 Rabbits are nearsighted
16 Rabbit pelts have been used for many years as fur and in the manufacture of felt
17 Rabbits can pick up diseases from their own droppings.
18 A rabbit has five toenails on its front two paws and four toenails on its back feet.
19 Rabbit shows are a good place to see a wide variety of rabbits
20 A small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar added to the rabbits drinking water will increase their appetite and help their immune system
21 Hundreds of years ago rabbits were often released on deserted islands in hopes of giving shipwrecked sailors a reliable food source
22 Some places in the world have had serious trouble with rabbit overpopulation
23 There are over 150 recognized rabbit coat colors and varieties
24 The average heart rate of a rabbit ranges between 130-325 beats per minute
25 Rabbit meat is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than chicken, pork and beef
26 Rabbits only sweat on the pads of their feet
27 A rabbit will eat its own cecotropes night droppings and they are a valuable source of protein
28 A group of kits from the same mother are called a litter
29 Domestic rabbit kits are born with their eyes shut and will open when they are about 2 weeks old
30 It has been estimated that in Australia rabbits destroy around $600 million worth of crops each year
31 Throughout history the rabbit has been seen as a symbol for fertility
33 Not all rabbits will breed like rabbits
34 In ancient Egypt rabbits were used as sport for dog racing
35 The scientific name for the rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus
36 Domestic rabbit meat is all white meat
37 Rabbits can suffer heat stroke
38 Rabbits have 28 teeth.
40 Rabbits were an important home meat supply during World War II
41 Some rabbits are raised specifically for their fur or fiber, such as Rex or Angora rabbits
42 A place were you keep your rabbits as a business or hobby is commonly called a rabbitry
44 Millions of pounds of rabbit meat are consumed each and every year
46 Rabbit droppings make an excellent garden fertilizer
47 Rabbits can see behind them, but they have blind spot in front of their face
48 A group of rabbits is called a herd
50 Predators can literally scare a rabbit to death
51 The largest rabbit litter ever reported consisted of 24 bunnies!
52 The world's heaviest rabbit is Darius, weighing 50 pounds!
53 There are over 150 recognized rabbit coat colors and varieties
54 The longest rabbit ears ever recorded measured 31.125 inches long!
55 Pet rabbits tend to live much longer than wild rabbits