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Bunny Manure Makes a Happy Dancing Garden!

Just in case you needed another reason to have a snuggly friend:

  • Bunny manure is excellent for your organic garden. It is very high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It makes an incredible fertilizer!

    • A garden needs these nutrients in order to flourish. Our garden is singing from using this amazing fertilizer, also known as bunny berries. We have more vegetables and fruits than we know what to do with and our herbs are very excited too.

  • Bunny manure can be applied immediately to the garden, unlike chicken, cow, or other manures, where you have to wait 6 months or longer to put it on the garden.

    • It will not burn plants or lawns when applied fresh.

  • Bunny manure breaks down very quickly into the dirt.

  • Bunny manure has drastically improved even the worst of soils we have had. (Clay or Sand)

  • It can be used on its own or you can add it to compost that has been breaking down for added benefit.

  • If you have outside bunnies, Joel Salatin (Polyface farm) has a great system for bunny manure, where you have chickens below the bunnies (the bunny cages are hung) composting all of their manure and adding their own as well. You can also give both the chickens and the bunnies scraps of food to break down along with their manure.

  • Bunny manure is even amazing for flower gardens.

  • You can add lime powder to the bunny manure as an added fertilizer as well....depending on if you need your soil to be more alkaline or acidic.

  • We can't get enough of the rabbit manure....we don't think it's possible to use too much, it is truly amazing! Just mix it up with whatever is currently in your soil.

  • If you are trying to improve your soil, cover it first with wood chips or sawdust, and then add a couple of layers of rabbit manure, and then cover it on top with dried grass clippings. This will keep the ground soft, deter weeds, and make gardening more enjoyable.

  • Bunny manure attracts worms. Worms aerate the soil, and provides space for roots to grow, and plants to get more nutrients, so your fruits and veggies taste even more delicious.

  • Your garden will be so prolific, that you will also be able to feed your bunnies with some of the extra and they will bless you with more manure for your garden.

When we are in Uganda we love teaching these methods to the people there. This is one method that we use:

We hope this information has been helpful for you and you will have a happy, dancing garden as well :)


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