Jackfruit: Properly Cutting and Enjoying

We were introduced to jackfruit before moving to Uganda. We had researched the foods they eat there, but, the only jackfruit we could find here in the U.S. was canned jackfruit. We ended up throwing it away, because we did not enjoy it at all. I think we did it in place of pork....a bar-b-que jackfruit sandwich. We still prefer jackfruit fresh over canned or cooked, but many people eat it different ways.
Jackfruit was first discovered in Southwest India, however, it is commonly found in South Asia, as well as parts of Africa. We were so excited to try this new fruit, upon coming to Uganda. This is the largest tree-producing fruit in the world...this fruit can get up to 100lbs. Most of the jackfruits that we ate from, were 35-40lbs.
What does it look like? On the outside it is a massive, green, and bumpy texture. If you tap on it with the palm of your hand, it should have a bit of a hollow sound when it is ripe. On the inside, you will see light yellow, plump-looking bulbs. (See Pictures Below)
What do they taste like? We think they have a pineapple, mango, banana flavor...maybe slightly nutty. They are juicy, but not overly. They are absolutely delicious and unique. You get a TON of yummy fruit from just one jackfruit. Our All-Knowing God knew what He was doing, by putting these trees/fruits in areas where we see a lot of poverty. When we lived in the village, we would share these magnificent fruits with several other families. It blessed us all.
One-cup of jackfruit has 143 calories and boasts the following vitamins and minerals:
Fiber: 2.3 grams
Protein: 2.6 grams
Carbohydrates: 35.1 grams
Thiamin (B1) 13% of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
Vitamin B6: 29% of RDI
Folate (B9): 9% of RDI
Vitamin C: 23% of RDI
Magnesium: 10% of RDI
Potassium: 14% of RDI
Copper: 13% of RDI
Jackfruit is often a meat substitute, can be cooked, frozen, eaten fresh, or canned. You can eat it as flour, seeds, leaves (for tea), or the fruit, and all can help balance blood sugar, for those with Type 2 Diabetes.
We have not tried jackfruit seeds yet, but we can't wait to try it. Jackfruit seeds are high in protein, potassium, calcium, and iron. They are a resistant starch just like Cassava, and also performs prebiotic activity in the gut.
The antioxidants in jackfruit help get rid of free radicals in the body, and helps reduce toxins in the cells and organs of the body, including the heart. They can also benefit your eyesight. Plus, they are super yummy! Win-Win!!
It's a bit tricky cutting jackfruit, because it is quite sticky inside. The way to get around this and not ruin your cutting boards and knives, is to rub olive oil on the cutting board, your hands, and the knife first. Then it will be easy to clean off. Otherwise, it is a nightmare, so be sure to do this step first...you will be thankful that you did. Then, just cut it in half (like a pumpkin or watermelon) and start pulling out the delicious fruit bulbs.
You can purchase jackfruit at Sprouts as well as Asian-type markets in the United States. We've come to really love these fruits. It helps us feel closer to our friends in Uganda when we are here in the U.S. Or, you can take a trip with us to Uganda sometime :)
If you decide to try jackfruit, please let us know how you like it...we are excited to hear :)
Here's an article on jackfruit that we pulled some of our information from that you may enjoy: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/what-is-jackfruit/?frn_source=sfmc&frn_medium=email-blo&frn_campaign=blo-24&frn_content=jackfruit-article-v2&j=295392&sfmc_sub=17500379&l=137_HTML&u=4516428&mid=514008241&jb=307