Why Are Mini Lops Our Favorite Breed of Bunny?
We have had the pleasure of being around and having many different types of bunnies. We are particularly attracted to the lop ears, because they are just SO CUTE!
We have found that breeds smaller than the mini lop, such as the holland lop, tend to be more skittish and afraid. They are timid in nature. Bunnies that are larger than the mini lop, such as the french lop, tend to be higher maintenance and need more help, health-wise, and they can also be more temperamental. For us, the sweet spot, is mini lops.
Mini lops, if handled often from birth, make the most wonderful family pet. They are generally very laid back and loving. Some love to give kisses, and others enjoy exploring more, but they all, if they are treated well and come from quality lines, make incredible pets.
Mini lops come in so many beautiful colors! They come in variations of blue, gray, white, brown, black, shaded colors, and oranges. So much fun!
They are also great for taking to retirement homes. They can be potty-trained and become therapy animals. Many teachers love them and they make great pets in the classroom. They can be taken to library story time as well. We feel they are one of the most versatile breeds you can work with.
If you are a gardener, their manure is incredible for your garden. It is considered a "cold" manure. This means that you can put their manure directly on your garden without letting it sit for a year or so first. Their manure is high in nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other minerals and micro-nutrients. It also has elements such as magnesium, zinc, and calcium in it. Their manure helps to improve a poor soil structure, as well as drainage and moisture retention issues. Did I mention that worms also love their manure? Worms are very beneficial for the garden as well, so attracting worms is a huge benefit to having mini lops. Their manure is also less smelly to work with than other manures. If you would like to see your garden sing, consider getting a mini lop! Your garden will thank you :)
We have a large family and our children absolutely love having mini lops. They are fun for all ages. From age 3 to adult, they can learn to hold and take care of a mini lop properly. They are a perfect breed for children to learn responsibility and take care of an animal that is their size. Mini lops truly become a loving part of the family. You can potty-train them, give them special treats, they can learn their name and will follow you around the house. Mini Lops can be taught to obey simple commands and to perform basic tricks. They are truly precious pets to have, they are smart as well as loveable, and make a wonderful addition to any family that is considering a bunny.
If interested, please see our other blog pages on how to take care of mini lops, keeping mini lops healthy, etc.
There are so many different kinds of rabbit breeds, take time to research your favorites. We have definitely found ours :)
Verity Farm